Nov 21, 2023GratitudeExpressing Gratitude: The Power of Your WordsIn our fast-paced world, it's so easy to become consumed by our own responsibilities and forget to show appreciation to the important people
Nov 13, 2023GratitudeHarness the Power of Gratitude Meditations & Affirmations for Inner Growth and PositivityThese practices are actually really easy to incorporate into your daily routine or use in those moments when you're feeling stressed out.
Nov 8, 2023GratitudeJournal your Journey of Gracious GratitudeThis month in the Calamity Creatives and community we are discussing Gracious Gratitude for more Abundance and Clarity and if you have...
Jul 29, 2023Personal JourneyStarting over, again... Story of my lifeThey were never meant to be a part of your beautiful journey. Reasons & Seasons. You are all important to me, and I'm grateful for your pres