Is it Time to Stop Listening to the Business “Experts”?
I recently had a client who dreamed of launching a blog. And she, much like many of us today, was fortunate to be connected to a mastermind group of other bloggers, where the members freely shared tips and advice with each other. At first. Nicole was delighted. She asked questions in the group and received knowledgeable answers from experts who were in the same niche, doing exactly what she wanted to do.
But then Nicole noticed a curious thing. Every time she had an idea for a blog post, a sponsorship, or another related business issue, she reached out to her group first thing. She felt like she couldn't make a move without getting feedback first. This is a common issue that affects many entrepreneurs. You might be brand new to your niche or you might be an experienced entrepreneur who just wants some guidance. The problem is that seeking advice and wisdom from others too often can slow down your growth and keep you from trying new things on your own.

So today I would like to discuss some signs you need to stop listening to the business experts around you …
You Crave Validation
Many solopreneurs and coaches start their businesses with excitement and enthusiasm. You probably felt the same way. Everything was new and shiny. You couldn't wait to get started working on your new venture. But then something happened. You ran into a problem you didn't know how to handle or you had a moment of self-doubt. Instead of sitting with the discomfort for a moment, you rushed to ask an expert for feedback.
There can certainly be a benefit to getting advice from someone who's walked the path before you. But there's also a deep danger of becoming dependent on others for approval and validation.
Suddenly, you're not building a business that lives up to your vision. You're building a business to get recognition and acceptance from others. This leads you to ultimately creating products and services that won't make you happy long-term.
You Get Taken Advantage Of
In a perfect world, everyone that offered you feedback or advice on your business would have your best interests at heart. They would want nothing more than to see you succeed in your niche and cheer with you as you spread your wings and fly.
Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. There are people in every niche who claim to be experts or authorities and they spend their time tearing down the dreams of others. They might do it under the guise of being helpful, offering constructive feedback, or being practical.
Before you blindly take someone else's advice to heart, it's wise to review their previous comments and interactions with others.
Are they always the first to discourage others from trying something new?
Do they point out where someone could have done better in a snarky or demeaning way?
Are they quick to tear down others who don't agree with them or succeeded despite their advice?
Additionally, there are some that are careful not to appear outwardly malicious. They seem helpful on the surface and refer you back to their coaching or consulting services. But after a few months of "coaching" with this person, all you have to show for your time together is less money in your bank account.
The Experts Aren't Always Right
Another reason to be careful about listening to experts constantly is that they're not always right. Anyone can call themselves a "Facebook expert." Maybe this person claims they have a fan page with ten million followers. Because of this, you accept their advice about how often to post to your Facebook page.
But if you'd stopped and dug deeper, you would have quickly realized those ten million followers are bot accounts or that this page owner has a teeny, tiny engagement rate for that number of followers. Just because someone has an impressive follower count or was considered an expert "back in the day" doesn't automatically mean they're giving you good advice.
Likewise, there might be people who are not in your industry who try to give you advice. Some business advice is universal, such as keeping track of your expenses and your earnings. When receiving this type of advice, always pause to ask if this person can truly help you reach your goals. For example, if you want to start a web design agency then buying a course from an expert on how to start a food truck business isn't likely to
help you reach your goals.
Be Wary of Experts with Theories
It's great to learn new things from the experts that you respect and admire. But before you accept every piece of advice you get, do some research first. Doing this can save hours of valuable time spent unlearning information that isn't useful.
When, let’s call her Denise wanted to write a book on tax laws for entrepreneurs, she received advice she thought was helpful from a business mentor in her Facebook group. The other woman advised Denise to write the first three chapters of the book and post them to Amazon along with a link back to her website where readers could download the rest of the book.
This advice caused Denise's book to receive low ratings from customers and made it nearly impossible for her to advertise it. Later when Denise looked into the expert who shared this advice, she found the other woman had never published a book in her life.
Sadly, there are experts out there with no practical experience in what they're talking about. All they have are theories based on what they've heard. They have no idea if these theories actually work since they never experienced it themselves but they're happy to pass them onto you to simply get paid.
Don't be like Denise. If someone offers you advice, take your time to look them up. See if they have enough real-world experience to truly know what they're talking about. If not, you can politely thank them and move on.
Experts Can't Always See Your Vision
Not everyone around you will see your vision the way you do. You might have an amazing idea that will disrupt the industry you're in and create massive change that benefits both customers and businesses alike. The truth is that your idea might be ahead of its time. Because it's still untried, untested, and unproven, the experts around you may not be able to see the value in your vision. This can cause you to doubt yourself and wonder if you should keep moving forward with your plans.
When the doubts are loud, don't forget that no one saw Thomas Edison's vision. To others, the idea of an incandescent light bulb sounded strange and far-fetched. Yet he held to his process and is now known as 'The Father of Invention." It's not a title he earned by playing it safe and listening to the experts of his day. In order to be remembered for his ground-breaking work, he had to take a risk and believe in himself.
Your idea deserves a chance to grow and bloom. But in order for that to happen, you need to trust yourself.
Here are a few other types of "experts" to be cautious of, based on my own experiences. For example, if a coach is making you feel guilty for treating yourself to something nice instead of buying their product, it's best to steer clear. I would never want to put you in a position where you feel like you have to choose between putting food on the table or purchasing my product. And you deserve to reward yourself for all the amazing things you've accomplished, even if it's just a small treat once a month and you should not be made to feel bad about it because you didn’t buy my product.
How about those experts who criticize and speak negatively about other business owners, students, and clients in their private spaces? Or how about the ones who constantly shift the blame, quickly pointing fingers, instead of taking responsibility for their own mistakes?

If you are sick of dealing with experts like this, then have I got something different for you.
I've created a DIY on demand webinar and workbook combo that's all about empowering you to take charge of your own journey!
By taking advantage of this offer, you'll have access to a self-guided, pre-recorded video and workbook, designed to help you ask yourself some important questions and align your business more effectively with your goals and vision.
Learn more about:
How You Are the Expert on Your Business
What Brings You Joy in Your Business?
Define Your Rules for Success
Why Your Rules for Success Matter
Embrace Success on Your Terms
You'll find more info here!
You can also join me in the Hearts & Sustainment community on Facebook, where we focus on empowering your business with your own rules, all while keeping you happy and harmonized. And don't forget, after you listen, check your email for your gift on where to start - yourself!
Until next time, be safe, be kind, and much love!
Laters, A.