Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here
What a difference a month of intense effort can make. If you stuck with us you likely have a lot of good news to share.

Can you believe that today is the last day of the Facebook Audit Bootcamp? Time flies when you’re busy creating traffic. Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered.
Here’s a quick rundown:
You’ve learned how to use social media to get more traffic, build relationships, and take your business to the next level. You’ve learned about the technology you can use to automate the process as well as the pitfalls of automation. Social media marketing is like word-of-mouth marketing on steroids. It works better than any other form of marketing and we’re all lucky to live in this time in history where this is possible.
Just think, from the comfort of your kitchen table, home office, or any place where you have a computer and internet access, you can build a large following using social media marketing along with content marketing related to your niche to help you add value to your audience while solving their problems and of course, earning money. After all, that’s what we all want to do right? Earn more money?
What has had the biggest impact on you? What tips and ideas have you found the most helpful? You may want to come back to the posts, again and again, any time you’re trying to implement something new there is always a learning curve.
Here is a list of them so you can easily link to them to check them out again when you are ready:
Pinterest Is More Than A Social Network *
Why You Shouldn’t Post The Same Thing Across Multiple Social Media Platforms *
Let’s Talk About Social Media Graphics *
The Importance Of Being Consistent In Brand and Message Across Social Media Platforms
Social Media Automation Dos & Don’ts *
Don’t Miss Smaller Networks That Cater To Your Niche *
Crafting Facebook Posts That Will Reach Your Audience And Get Them To Click
Finding Your Tribe And Driving Traffic With Facebook Groups *
Pinterest Group Boards And How They Can Help You Drive Traffic *
With Instagram It’s About The Hashtags *
Repurpose Your Written Content On Linkedin *
Finding Affiliates & Creating JV Opportunities With Linkedin *
Balancing Evergreen And Immediate Traffic For Long Term Social Media Marketing Success *
Standing Out From The Crowd Of Twitter Updates *
Social Media Management Platforms Compared *
Why You Should Be Posting Multiple Times *
Crafting An Effective Social Media Marketing Plan For Maximum Traffic
Keep Track Of Your Stats And Tweak As Needed *
Let’s Talk About Social Media Advertising *
Converting Social Media Traffic *
Your Content Has Gone Viral – Now What? *
* These chapters can be found in my eBook: Strategies for Leveraging Social Media For Traffic.
Don’t expect everything to happen overnight. But, if you implement the suggestions you’ve learned you will see movement in your likes, follows, friends, and traffic.
If you really do know your audience and have done a good job determining the type of content you’re going to promote on social media, offer amazing solutions, and are relatable to your audience you will also see an uptick in your revenues.
In fact, putting social media marketing for traffic into play will change your life and the life of your business if you make it a priority. Take a few minutes today to reflect on not only how far you’ve come, but more importantly how this simple 30-day challenge has influenced you and changed you for the better. What positive experiences have you had because of this social media for traffic challenge?
Are you getting more traffic?
Where is the traffic coming from?
Are people commenting on your blog posts on your website?
Is the traffic converting?
Which content has brought the most traffic?
Can you create more content like that?
What are 3 things you learned that you didn’t know before?
Let me know! I enjoy hearing your feedback! If you still need help feel free to schedule a One to Won Fun or VIP Power Hour!
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If you are interested in being a guest or co-host for one of our events please respond to this email so we can collaborate. You may also want to follow us at A Calamity Entertainment for more fun, tips, and entertainment!
Shay aka A. Calamity